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Removals to Brazil
Are you looking for the lowest removal price to move to Brazil? You've found a company specialised in international removals from the UK to Brazil. We are a secure, efficient and friendly international removals company. At VanOne, our promise is laid on three core values:
- To provide detailed information about customs and logistics processes for your Brazil move.
- Treat your possessions carefully in our vehicle and on the container ship.
- To keep the costs low and be transparent with our low prices.
Want to know how much does it cost to move to Brazil? Just use the quotation request panel and get your price instantly, and before you know it, you'll be dancing Forró and eating X-tudo at your local Festa Junina.
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Your journey with us:
The Brazil remove package consists of two operations. The customs clearance and transportation. We will ask you to upload all the necessary documents to VanOne Customer Portal. Our customs clearance team will check if you can be exempt from import taxes in Brazil. Once we receive the green light from our customs officer, our driver, with a willing attitude, will arrive at your doorstep with a smile. He will help you load your belongings from your home to the van. When it comes to lifting and securely loading household goods, all of our drivers are trained and experienced.
Once everything is neatly placed inside the van, the next stop is our shipping container yard in Holland, where we will transfer your belongings to the weatherproof container and schedule their departure to Brazil. It takes approximately 3 to 4 weeks for the container ship to reach the ports of Brazil. Thanks to our state-of-the-art VanOne Customer Portal, you can track the whereabouts of your belongings on the digital map throughout the entire process. You will be notified at least two days in advance about the arrival of your goods to Brazil. We will unload your container from the ship and keep it at the port so the Brazilian customs clearance officer can inspect its contents.
You supplied the paperwork needed for customs clearance at the beginning, so at this point in the process, the customs officer’s physical inspection of the imported goods in Brazil usually takes up to 5 days to complete.

The documents we need to clear your removals through Brazilian customs:
To move your residence to Brazil, you must first possess an appropriate immigration status. You can achieve such immigration status in two ways:
- Be or become a Brazilian citizen
- Be or become a Brazilian resident.
You can’t move your residence to Brazil on a tourist visa. Click here to find out how to make an application to become a resident in Brazil.
The following guidance assumes that you are either a resident or a citizen of Brazil.
The Brazilian customs authorities, the Receita Federal, do not discriminate between countries of where the goods come from and the nationalities of their owners in customs clearance for removals. It does not matter where you are moving from, or your nationality, and everyone is treated the same way.
What matters is your domicile status and residential circumstances during the last 12 months and 1 day before customs clearance. To be exempt from import taxes in Brazil, you must’ve lived outside of Brazil for at least one full year and not have spent more than 45 days in Brazil in this period.
- A certified copy of your Brazilian ID card or any Passport.
- A Certified copy of the CPF.
- Atestado de Residência – a document issued by the Brazilian Consulate in the country of your current residence to certify you have lived there for at least 12 months and 1 day and declaration of residence abroad (we provide the template)
- A document to confirm you have a place to stay in Brazil, for example
- If you are going to live with your family in Brazil, please ask them to complete and sign this template and provide a copy of their personal ID and a utility bill with their Brazilian address.
- Or, if you are going to rent your Brazilian home, your Contrato de Locação (tenancy agreement)
- Or, if you own a property in Brazil, please provide an Escritura de Compra e Venda (property ownership deed) with your name.
- A detailed, signed packing list with each item’s value, size and weight. Please fill in all fields provided in VanOne Insurance Form.
- A signed authorisation for the customs clearance agent to be your direct representative in Brazil. A blank form will be supplied to you by VanOne after you confirm your booking. Alternatively, if you are registered with you can include VanOne’s forwarder on the exporter’s RADAR;
- Flight ticket confirming the date of arrival in Brazil.
- Declaration of whether or not the baggage has been split into more consignments (we provide the template).
- On the day of your move, our driver will ask you to hand sign the CMR (cargo movement form).
Please print and sign all the documents and have them ready for the driver in a large envelope. Please also supply completed documents electronically via the Customer Portal for verification.
The good news is that unlike in Europe, in Brazil, you can import brand new goods as a part of your transfer of residence, and you won’t be charged import tax on it. The exception to the rule is motor vehicles, including jet skis and motor boats.
Why should you move to Brazil?
There are many reasons you should move your residence to Brazil and disregard the common stereotype that assumes the superiority of the European lifestyle. The Europeans who moved to Brazil avoid making comparisons. Their new life in Brazil is not worse or better, but different. So what are the main differentiation factors? Brazil is one of the most lifestyle-diverse countries in the world. There are 26 states in Brazil, and each has its own customs. The quality of your Brazilian life will depend on your character, income and the part of Brazil you’re moving to. It’s not true that Brazil is more bureaucratic, there are higher taxes, and the administration systems could be more efficient. Brazilian public administration is modern, and unlike in most so-called advanced countries, there are offices where you can solve your problems by speaking to actual people.
Public Administration and Digitalisation of Brazil
Administration in Brazil is managed by Receita Federal and the City Councils (for example Rio de Janeiro). The first offers an efficient and easy-to-use online portal to access various services with your Brazilian national insurance number (CPF). The city council’s services are also available online and are usually related to the management of housing, health services and roads. The banking sector of Brazil is managed by BCB and is as liberal and innovative as its European counterpart. If you register for a digital signature, the processes you can manage online in Brazil are limitless.
Taxing in Brazil
Brazil’s highest income tax rate is 27.5%, but most people pay less. The business owners can pay approximately 12% fixed corporation tax on their revenue. Alternatively, they can choose to keep a record of their business income and expenses and pay tax on profits. The social welfare taxes are charged similarly to those in Europe.
Education in Brazil
It’s also not true that Brazilian education is not as good as the European one and is simply different. In Brazil, parents can choose their children’s education curriculum; for example, as a Brazilian parent, you can send your child to a school that follows Brazilian, British, Swiss, Canadian or other curricula. As a parent in Brazil, you will have many more options to educate your children.
Health Service in Brazil
In Brazil, you will enjoy an abundance of choices regarding health service providers. A free Public Health Service operates similarly to European health services. The middle classes of Brazil use the private sector to look after their health, and such services are usually accessed through health plans paid on a subscription basis.
Why should you not move to Brazil?
You should avoid looking for an international removals Brazil service if you are on a low income and anticipate living in a European accommodation style. The cost of living in Brazil is similar to that of middle-income countries such as Spain and Poland. The supply chains in Brazil are less efficient than in the European Union; therefore, the consumers have less choice and pay higher prices for consumer products.
You should think twice before moving to Brazil if you’re convinced of the cultural superiority of your country and cannot tolerate disorder. Brazil is the most ethnically diverse society in the world. An order to some of these ethnic groups is necessary, while to some others, an excessive and unnecessary state control. Brazil is an equilibrium of lifestyles and preferences made by Europeans, Africans and Native Americans.
Noise could be one of the discouraging factors of moving to Brazil. Despite noise-controlling laws similar to the ones in Europe, in Brazil, you will get away with driving without an exhaust. Also, there’s no limit on how many dogs you can keep in the house and how much noise they can make.
Transportation and the use of roads in Brazil
In Brazil, cars have an absolute, unofficial priority on public roads. Pavements are used as car parks, and zebra crossings on which drivers stop are rare. If you are used to using public transport or cycling, your habits will drastically change when you arrive in Brazil. The extent to which this problem exists depends on the part of Brazil you’re moving to. The further south of Brazil you go, the more orderly the road traffic will be.
What famous Europeans moved to Brazil
- The Formula One’s Bernie Ecclestone
- French actor Vincent Cassel