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How flexible you need to be with dates of loading of smaller orders?

How flexible you need to be with dates of loading of smaller orders?

How flexible you need to be with dates of loading of smaller orders? All services to the European continent are provided using large vans with a total loading capacity of up to 15 cubic meters (up to 1200kg). This weight limit for 15m3 loads however, differs for Austria and the non-EU nations of Switzerland and Norway. The weight limits for these three nations...

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Customs & Immigration Policies when moving from the UK to Switzerland

Customs & Immigration Policies when moving from the UK to Switzerland

Customs & Immigration Policies when moving from the UK to Switzerland Customs & Immigration Policies So you’ve made the big decision to move to Switzerland. It’s a lovely country and we’re sure you’ll love it. Switzerland boasts one of the highest standards of living in the world and its cities regularly top the list of the most...

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Customs & Immigration Policies when moving from the UK to Norway

Customs & Immigration Policies when moving from the UK to Norway

Customs & Immigration Policies when moving from the UK to Norway Norway has some of the most beautiful scenery in Europe, and some of the friendliest people too. Add to this a booming economy and a very high standard of living and you couldn’t have picked a better place to move. In fact, the 2012...

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How to get Red White Red Card in Austria

How to get Red White Red Card in Austria

How to get Red White Red Card in Austria Since 2011 Austria has introduced the Red White Red Card which allows workers who meet certain criteria from non-EU countries, to live and work in Austria with the intention of permanently...

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How to Find Schools in Portugal

How to Find Schools in Portugal

If you are moving to Portugal with your children, you will want to have them registered in the Portuguese education system as soon as possible. Find schools in Portugal for children of all ages with this helpful guide created by VanOne. Educational tiers for all ages: Jardim de Infância (Kindergarten): three to five years old Ensino Básico (‘basic’ or primary education): six to fifteen...

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