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Want to Find Out The Best Place to Live in Spain for Expats?

Want to Find Out The Best Place to Live in Spain for Expats?

Want to Find Out The Best Place to Live in Spain for Expats? Embarking on the journey of moving abroad can be exhilarating yet daunting, especially when it comes to the right destination. Spain, with its vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and warm climate, has become a top choice for expatriates from around the globe. This...

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Social Life in Spain

Social Life in Spain

Social Life in Spain Language Learning national language may be one of crucial points of diving into the social life in Spain. The only language with official status throughout Spain is Spanish or Castilian. Various other languages have co-official status in specific parts of Spain and there are also a number of other unofficial languages and dialects spoken. Nearly everyone can speak Castilian either as a first (89%) or second...

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Living in Spain

Living in Spain

Living in Spain Cost of living in Spain If you exclude the popular tourist destinations in the season, you’ll find that the cost of living in Spain is much lower than in the UK. To compare Barcelona and London: Consumer prices are around 30% lower in Barcelona. Rent prices are nearly 70% lower in Barcelona. Groceries are around 20% cheaper in Barcelona. Apartment prices are around 80% lower in Barcelona. And...

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Healthcare and Pensions in Spain

Healthcare and Pensions in Spain

Healthcare and Pensions in Spain Healthcare and Social Insurance Once you are registered to work in Spain and make National Insurance contributions, you’ll be entitled to state-run healthcare on the same basis as a Spanish national. For further information, visit the Seguridad Social website ( which...

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Transportation in Spain

Transportation in Spain

Transportation in Spain Driving in Spain Driving can become your favourite mean of transportation in Spain. There is spectacular scenery and little, or no congestion, but speed limits often change. Don’t even consider drink driving, unless you like the thought of incarceration in a Spanish prison. The blood alcohol level is 0.5 per mg ( which equates to one small beer), dropping to 0.1 mg for drivers who...

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Moving to Spain from The UK

Moving to Spain from The UK

Moving to Spain from The UK Can 87 880 people be so wrong? There are around 90 000 fewer UK nationals registered in Spain in 2013. This means that nearly a quarter of Britons who dreamed of a life in the sun have had their dreams shattered. The rising cost of living, the loneliness, and possibility of losing a partner, together with the seemingly endless struggle to legalise the ownership of their homes, has...

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Relocating to Spain

Relocating to Spain

Relocating to Spain Spanish Customs Britain is not a member of the Schengen area, and therefore customs formalities apply. However because UK is a member of the EU, there is little of consequence to concern the average Briton relocating to Spain. You will need prior permission if you wish to bring arms in, and there is no free import of technical drawings. Otherwise you can bring in most things, with no currency restrictions. That’s...

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Are you moving from UK to Spain? Tips about Buying a House in Spain

Are you moving from UK to Spain? Tips about Buying a House in Spain

Are you moving from UK to Spain? Tips about Buying a House in Spain Emigrating is a serious decision so take your time before deciding to relocate your family to Spain. Every year holidaymakers return home in love with Spain – but what would it be like to actually live there? The article describes common traps you should avoid when buying a house in Spain. Although the process of buying a house is relatively...

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Moving to Spain

Moving to Spain

Moving to Spain Real Life Guide to Living and Working in Spain Moving to Spain is an exciting prospect for many but it can also be a huge culture shock. However if you are prepared to embrace the culture, lifestyle, people and customs, and immerse yourself in it then you can reap so many rewards. Here’s what I found… First Experiences – Culture Shocks Shopping – Some of the best seasonal produce in the world is grown, caught, or sourced here, but if you are looking...

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Discovering the Cheapest Place to Live in Spain by the Sea

Discovering the Cheapest Place to Live in Spain by the Sea

3; Discovering the Cheapest Place to...

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Expat Communities in Spain: Your Guide to Find the Best One

Expat Communities in Spain: Your Guide to Find the Best One

Expat Communities in Spain: Your Guide to Find the Best One Hola! Que pensarias tu de pasar una tarde desfrutando a tu té preferido bajo el sol en España? And even if you’re daydreaming about swapping your usual tea for a café con leche, you’re not alone! Many Brits have leapt, creating vibrant British expat...

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Is it Difficult to Move to Spain? A Comprehensive Guide

Is it Difficult to Move to Spain? A Comprehensive Guide

Is it Difficult to Move to Spain? A Comprehensive Guide Moving to a new country can be exciting and challenging, and Spain is a bit more complicated...

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Why Are Expats Leaving Spain?

Why Are Expats Leaving Spain?

Why Are Expats Leaving Spain? Spain has long been a favourite destination for expats, especially from the UK....

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Is It Cheaper to Live in Spain or the UK?

Is It Cheaper to Live in Spain or the UK?

Is It Cheaper to Live in Spain or the UK? Spain is outpacing many of its European counterparts in economic growth, with a projected growth rate of 1.7% for 2024, driven by strong domestic consumption...

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Which EU Citizenship is the Easiest to Get?

Which EU Citizenship is the Easiest to Get?

Which EU Citizenship is the Easiest to Get? When considering which EU citizenship is most accessible, several factors must be evaluated, including residency...

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Is There Rent Control in Spain? 

Is There Rent Control in Spain? 

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The Most Beautiful Places to Live in Spain

The Most Beautiful Places to Live in Spain

3; The Most Beautiful Places to Live in Spain Spain consistently ranks high among the most beautiful places to live. With so many great options, choosing a place to settle in Spain is challenging....

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