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Danish Culture and Language

Danish Culture and Language

Danish Culture and Language Language One of the predominant components of Danish culture is language. Danish is the official language of Denmark, but there are several minority languages, including German and Greenlandic. Around 86% of Danes also speak English as a second language, and often a third language, German or French. About 13% of Danes can also understand Swedish. Seldomly mentioned but definitely moving fact is that Greenland also has its own language —...

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Jobs and Pensions

Jobs and Pensions

Jobs and Pensions Finding a Job in Denmark as a Foreigner The European Free Movement of Workers agreement makes finding a job in Denmark as a foreigner much easier. Especially from legal point of view. It means that you can live and work in Denmark without a visa or work permit. Your ability to find a job depends upon your language skills. English is a bonus, but it helps to be fairly...

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Transportation in Denmark

Transportation in Denmark

Transportation in Denmark Driving Denmark conforms to European rules and standards. Each year the Danish Road Directorate publishes a leaflet called Motorvej which has maps of the motorways, places to stay, city maps, service stations and important traffic regulations. Documents you MUST carry: Insurance certificate —...

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Social Life in Denmark

Social Life in Denmark

Social Life in Denmark How is it that the Danes have been ranked the happiest people in the world, every year since 1973? This was when the EU decided to set up a “Eurobarometer” to measure happiness. It seems that there are two important contributors to happiness: trusting people you don’t really know and a casual attitude towards money. Rather than buy things, the Danes tend to spend on activities they enjoy. You are...

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Buying a House in Denmark

Buying a House in Denmark

Formal Steps As an UK citizen, being EU member, when relocating to Denmark, with a residence permit, there are no general restrictions for buying a house in Denmark. You are able to buy a home there, although there are certain specific restrictions in popular holiday areas for foreign ownership. These rules were designed to prevent the coastal areas being overrun by German second home buyers. Be sure you...

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Relocating to Denmark

Relocating to Denmark

Relocating to Denmark The Country of Happy Vikings The Danes are ranked the happiest people in the world (Happy Vikings) — and if your family has lived in Britain for a thousand years or more, you may well be related to them. Between the 8th and 11th centuries the Danes were the Vikings, and many UK citizens have some Viking blood in them. Do you have Viking blood in...

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Moving to Denmark from the UK

Moving to Denmark from the UK

Moving to Denmark from the UK Formalities There are relatively few formalities to consider when moving to Denmark from the UK. If you are an EU citizen, you just have to apply for an EU residence permit within 90 days of arriving in Denmark. You will need...

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Social Insurance and Medical Care in Denmark

Social Insurance and Medical Care in Denmark

Social Insurance and Medical Care in Denmark Social Insurance When you move to Denmark you have to register with the Civil Registration Office in your region to obtain a health insurance card and your CPR number. The medical care in Denmark is financed through income tax, and is free. The health insurance card is sent to you by your municipal authority and is proof that you are entitled to public health...

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Moving to Denmark with Pets

Moving to Denmark with Pets

Moving to Denmark with Pets Pets are generally allowed and accepted most places in Danish society, with cats and dogs being the most popular house pets. Ferrets have become rather popular in recent years as well, and rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, birds and fish are also quite common. There is an abundance of pet shops all over Denmark, and it is easy to get supplies and...

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Is Copenhagen Expensive to Live in? Surfing Prices in Denmark’s Capital

Is Copenhagen Expensive to Live in? Surfing Prices in Denmark’s Capital

Is Copenhagen Expensive to Live? Surfing Prices in Denmark’s Capital Is Copenhagen expensive to live in? This question often arises for individuals considering a move to the Danish capital. Copenhagen, known for its quality of life and vibrant culture, has various financial considerations that potential residents...

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How to Move to Denmark Without a Job? A Comprehensive Guide

How to Move to Denmark Without a Job? A Comprehensive Guide

How to Move to Denmark Without a Job? A Comprehensive Guide Are you

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Is Denmark a Good Place to Live? A Newcomer Guide

Is Denmark a Good Place to Live? A Newcomer Guide

Is Denmark a Good Place to Live? A Newcomer Guide We’re social beings, and it is our nature the will to explore other than the usual reasons: work or family.

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Can International Students Get a Scholarship in Denmark?

Can International Students Get a Scholarship in Denmark?

Can International Students Get a Scholarship in Denmark? Securing a scholarship in Denmark offers international students a fantastic opportunity to pursue...

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What is the Best Age to Move Overseas?

What is the Best Age to Move Overseas?

What is the Best Age to Move Overseas? Relocating to another country is a significant decision influenced by various factors such as age, career stage, and personal goals. The best age to move overseas depends on individual circumstances. Moving can be particularly beneficial in your twenties due to...

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